Evaluation of Turkey’s Efforts Relating to the OECD’s Anti-Bribery Convention, (Ph. D. Dissertation, Ankara, 2012) (2010) Please contact us to have access to the article/book section by clicking info@vertadanismanlik.com.tr link. Please Share This Share this content Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window You Might Also Like Tax Matters Caused by Globalization 31 January 2021 Medical Malpractice and Compensatory (economic and non-economic) Damage Calculations 31 January 2021 Potential Problems and Solution For Using the New Turkish Lira in Transactions 31 January 2021